
Video: Thelma's Mitral Valve Surgery Story, Part 1

Heart valve surgery allows 纽约 woman to ‘enjoy quality living’

Thelma Hill woke from surgery expecting her right leg to be amputated. Terrified, she peeked at a mound of bandaging on her thigh so high she couldn’t see past it. But as medical staff slowly peeled back the bandages, she spotted her right foot. 毕竟它并没有被截肢. 在手术过程中, doctors found a clot near her groin that was blocking blood flow to the rest of her leg and removed the clot instead. 

She was only 9 at the time and in the hospital for what was eventually diagnosed as 风湿热. 50多年来, Hill remains grateful for the work of those doctors, 从那以后,她享受了充实的生活. “即使在今天, 我有句座右铭:如果你不想让我跳舞, 不要放音乐,希尔说, 谁住在斯克内克塔迪, 纽约.  

塞尔玛微笑Despite that joyful outlook, Hill’s journey has been marked by decades of medical ups and downs. After her childhood surgery, Hill spent several weeks gaining strength to walk again. Hill was told that the 风湿热 that led to her hospitalization had caused damage to her 二尖瓣, which may one day require open-heart surgery. Her doctor also advised her not to have children. 

听从医生的建议, Hill did not participate in any physical activities, 甚至不用步行去学校. By young adulthood, Hill was ready to test her independence. 她上了大学, where she rediscovered a love of dancing and explored the city on foot, 把儿时的疾病抛在脑后. That changed when Hill discovered she was pregnant and remembered the warning she was given as a child. 她咨询了一位心脏病专家, who monitored her condition and she gave birth to the first of two healthy sons. “I was healthy and remained healthy,” she said. 

Hill stayed active, regularly working out in the gym and walking with friends. 大约在她42岁生日的一周后, 她发现自己无法躺下睡觉, instead resting while sitting upright on the couch.

A doctor erroneously diagnosed her with pleurisy, meaning tissues that line the lungs and chest cavity are inflamed. Further testing revealed Hill had heart valve disease and needed open-heart surgery to replace the 二尖瓣 damaged as a child.  在那个时候, 我认为, “我没有上过医学院, 所以我要放手,让上帝来,’”她说。. 

Heart valve disease is relatively common, affecting an estimated 5 million U.S. adults, though it’s often undiagnosed because many people don’t experience 症状. Valve malfunctions can be caused by a birth defect, aging or diseases that can scar a valve. 当 症状 are experienced, the most common are shortness of breath or being easily fatigued. Symptoms can be so subtle that people don’t seek treatment until the condition has become severe.

西尔玛为她65岁生日盛装打扮Looking back, Hill said she hadn’t been feeling well for at least six months. But she brushed it off, thinking she was just overdoing it with her busy schedule. The experience helped her recognize the importance of paying attention to her body and consulting with health care professionals when something seems wrong. 

她的心脏瓣膜换了20多年后, Hill has experienced setbacks and undergone additional procedures. “我开始了解自己的身体了,”她说. “I recognize when my body requires medical attention and I don’t hesitate to seek medical care. If I don’t feel ‘good,’ my physicians hear from me.”

Friends, family and faith have all helped her navigate her health journey, she said. She’s also found doctors to be very responsive to her concerns. 多年来,希尔一直致力于帮助他人. She’s volunteered for the 美国心脏协会 for more than two decades, participating in 心走 events and sharing her story to raise awareness about heart health and the importance of lifesaving research. 

 “给予的多,要求的也多。. I am grateful for the life-saving measures that were available to help me in 1964,” she said. “Someone cared enough back then to raise money for such innovative research. 我在传递爱.”

现在65, 希尔保持活跃, 锻炼, serving in her church and spending time with her three grandchildren.  

“我喜欢生活,”她说. “如果有人说,'让我们,我说去吧!’”

Video: Thelma On Being Your Own 提倡, Part 2